Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, March 7, 2025

Be Ready for My Spirit Comes to Cleanse the Earth and I Am with You Always

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the Sons and Daughters of the Lamb of the Immaculate Conception, Apostolate of Mercy in USA on February 21, 2025


Matthew 24:44 Therefore you also must be ready; for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

Today daughter write My Will and let us begin with an I love you to the eternal Father, for as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of man (Matthew 24:37).

Now is the time that I have prepared My people for the coming of the antichrist and the coming of My Spirit – the reawakening of humanity and an awakening of the soul, for this will be the greatest move of God’s Spirit and all will be guided to experience the truth, and this will set the captives free. This will begin with a testament of faith to the soul, a time when humanity will visit the past and all their acts will be revealed, this will trigger an awakening of the soul. Humanity must realize that God is truly present, and He is the Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier of all creation. There will be a revealing of the evils of the world and an end to it. I will be with all My children at that moment in time when all will be revealed.

There is a movement in time and space that is converging together; the magnetic pole and equator will align causing the earth to shift and this will result in a spiritual connection with the intelligence of God the Creator to interact with the human psyche or soul. Be aware that this will trigger mass hysteria for those who do not believe in God, for they will be afraid, but I will lead My flock to understand who I AM and what I ask of My children. God is the Creator, God is the Redeemer, God is the Sanctifier. The Father is sending the Holy Spirit to Sanctify humanity before I return. Please pray for the children who are not able to comprehend. You My children of the Divine Will, will be those who will lead many out of bondage of sin placing yourself at My disposal. Peace reigns in the soul who wishes to succeed for the Glory of God and for the Kingdom to come.

My Church will be buried, just I was placed in the tomb, but My church will rise anew. There will be a time when you will not have a physical church, but I will be alive within you as My church, living and breathing in My Will. Today children I give you hope, for tomorrow is another day, will you still serve Me? I ask this out of love. Be ready for My Spirit comes to cleanse the earth and I am with you always.

Jesus, your Crucified King

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